fetch up

英 [fetʃ ʌp] 美 [fetʃ ʌp]

网络  弥补; 回想起


  1. He spent the first few months on a walking and sketching tour, before fetching up in Dublin.
  2. Haier is one of a large group of potential bidders across the globe with an interest in acquiring the GE operations, which could fetch up to$ 7bn.
  3. A diamond mere millimeters in diameter can fetch up to$ 30 when he sells it back, due largely to the fact that the stone is already cut and polished.
  4. Yashi believes that his tea blend may be able to fetch up to about$ 36,000 per pound.
  5. On all these grounds the Captain soothed himself with thinking that though Ned Cuttle was forced by the pressure of events to 'stand by' almost useless for the present, Ned would fetch up with a wet sail in good time, and carry all before him.
  6. Tea was served in a style no less polite than the dinner; and after tea, the young gentlemen rising and bowing as before, withdrew to fetch up the unfinished tasks of that day, or to get up the already looming tasks of to-morrow.
  7. Fetch up the new instrument.
  8. I never dreamed that I would fetch up winning$ 100000 on the lottery!
  9. A photograph album given as a gift by Sir Winston Churchill and later found abandoned in an East London skip is expected to fetch up to £ 10,000 when it is sold at auction next month.
  10. Don't hang up, please. I'll fetch him up.
  11. Their fins are highly prized in China and can fetch up to140 a kilogram.
  12. Pink flamingoes fetch up to? 3,000.
  13. She had to fetch up her younger sister.
  14. Please fetch up the tea things.
  15. We have much leeway to fetch up.
  16. I wonder what time George will fetch up.
  17. With characters of protocol currency, platform independency and language independency, Web Services will fetch up to EAI.
  18. I think we should establish some indemnificatory regulate in substantive and procedural law to fetch up the legislation defects.
  19. System integration Technique is used in the design of the system, And satisfactory effects result from the extensions of the function of the datawindow and the data pipeline witch fetch up the limitation of the PowerBuilder in the creating Chinese report and transferring data.
  20. Condusion: sort-based analysis can fetch up some shortages of ABC inventory theory in operation process, which should be used to improve the efficiency of inventory management in hospital pharmacy.
  21. Base on this algorithm, an improved PIU algorithm which considers two other factors of user's access probability and data complexity is presented to fetch up these shortages. And it effectively improves the user-oriented, real-time and consistency problem in view update of mobile database.
  22. We introduced one in circuit SoC verification interface design method, This verification method fetch up the deficiency of the main SoC verification method in SoC verification, and enhance the efficiency of SoC verification.
  23. To issue treasury bonds to fetch up budget deficit will lessen the fund supply from nongovernmental sector, drive the interest rate of finance market up, and lead to the atrophy of private investment, thus it cuts down on production.
  24. By combined in reason and bring into play advantage composite transmission can fetch up each disadvantage of single drive technology.
  25. However, the reading of the urban and rural areas "knowledge gap" is not absolute though the reading literacy questionnaire, personal motivation and attitudes fetch up for the urban and rural reading "knowledge gap" to some extent.
  26. The index system is dialectic unification. 2. The method of Delphi is straightforward and feasible. It can make use of the intelligences and experiences of the experts to fetch up the deficiency of the basic data or primary indexes.
  27. The case guiding system can fetch up the deficiency of the normative judicial interpretation, but it has its own connatural shortage. Because of this, it can only act as a kind of informal system& informal source of law.
  28. The farmers 'specialty cooperation is a weak muster. It pays attention to the equity not the efficiency, which can fetch up the shortage of the government.



  1. finally be or do something
    1. He ended up marrying his high school sweetheart
    2. he wound up being unemployed and living at home again

    Synonym:    finish upland upend upwind upfinish